CoinDump - a new cryptocurrency based on a dump of cryptocurrencies.
The rate of CD is growing every day.
50 CD and 0.00005 BTC for REGISTRATION
Artificial increasing of the Cryptocurrency rate
Thanks to the joint investments of our partners we are buying a certain crypto currency that cause rapid rate growth. This phenomenon is called Dump Crypto Currency. So, we buy and wait.
Agiotage on stock exchanges
The Exchange members, having seen a sharp increase in the exchange rate begin to buy it in the hope of getting a fast profit. Those who buy before get more. However that's no longer important, since CoinDump buys most of the currency at the initial stage of Dump.
Sale of Crypto-currency with overvaluation
Having waited for the peak of the rate growth, CoinDump starts to sell all the purchased crypto currency, ultimately receiving the maximum profit.