Weezylord Copy below!
<div class="xt_container" data-xtcontainer="container" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="name"><div align="center" style="background-color: #1F0457; border: 1px dotted white"><center><font face="Lucida Calligraphy" size="3">
<b><font color="">THANK </font><font color="blue">YOU </font><font color="yellow">FOR </font><font color="pink">VISITNG </font><font color="lime">GURUWAP </font><font color="yellow">₹FORUM₹! </font><font color="orange">STAY </font><font color="gold">TUNED </font><font color="yellow">AND </font><font color="blue">ENJOY </font><font color="red">OUR </font><font color="green">DAILY </font><font color="white">TEACHINGS! </font><font color="fuchsia"> </font></b></center></font></div></div>
Copy code try the link again, i have edited it!
Subskid Please help me with the code for that Facebook like
Weezylord Copy below and change my Facebook name page to yours!
<!---html code by!><hr color="black" size="6" width="100%"/><hr color="white" size="5" width="90%"/><hr color="blue" size="4" width="80%"/><hr color="red" size="3" width="70%"/><hr color="green" size="2" width="60%"/><hr color="yellow" size="1" width="50%"/><hr color="orange" size="10" width="40%"/><div style="border:1px dotted black"><img src="" alt="ads" /><a href=""><b style=color:blue;>Like SUBSKIDWAP On Facebook</b></a><br/><iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:150px; height:80px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><br /></div><hr color="orange" size="10" width="40%"/><hr color="yellow" size="1" width="50%"/><hr color="green" size="2" width="60%"/><hr color="red" size="3" width="70%"/><hr color="blue" size="4" width="80%"/><hr color="white" size="5" width="90%"/><hr color="black" size="6" width="100%"/>
Copy code
Subskid Please help me with the code for time nd date
Subskid Please help me i need my site to be like yours teach me how to create a page for a particular item and link it on my homepage
Weezylord Pages created in xtgem are
being saved or stored in the
filebrowser @
other words ..evry page u
create n xtgem is saved there
in filebrowser wt its name
..assuming u created the
forum page with the name
'FORUM' ..wen u go to the
filebrowser ..check for the file
named forum ..u must see it
there u hv note the file
name link it up is easier
..jux note that after the site
url comes the path to files or
folder but in the absense of
folder or folders ..the file
follows immediately
showing that the file is
directly located in your
filebrowser so the link to the
forum should be http: //
ForumFileName so check ur
file browser and note the
forum file name den
substitute in the link above!
Beecoded Help with site update for 2go arena,wapmaster zone,Facebook arena,starbooster and picture
Weezylord Copy below and replace url!
<div align="center" style="background-color: #1F0457; border: 1px dotted white"><br><img src="" alt="»" /><b style=color:lime;>2go Arena Updated; Get New Exclusive 2go Tips, Tricks, Cheats And Applications To Enhance Happy Chatting </b><a href="http://UR-2GO-URL"><b style=color:white;>HERE..</b></a><img src="" alt="" /><br></div>
<br />
<div align="center" style="background-color: #1F0457; border: 1px dotted white"><br /><img src="" alt="»" /><b style=color:lime;>2go Star Boosting Online Software Upgraded, Download and Boost Your 2go From Any Star Level To Black Diamond In Few Days </b><a href="http://UR-2GO-STARBOOSTER-URL"><b style=color:white;>HERE..</b></a><img src=" icon.gif" alt="" /><br></div>
Copy code Duplicate to form new ones!
Subskid Help me with wapmaster's page code