Please help me to create a forum,logo nd updates
Weezylord WELCOME TO SUBSKIDWAPCreate a file for ur forum. In it, click on add block>social>Discussions/Forum and set up the necessary settings and save..
For the logo, i created mine on supalogo.com!
Copy below for the site updates and change the YOUR-URL
<div class="hijau" class="rmenu" align="center"><div style="background-color:Mediumblue;"><font face="comic sans" size="30" color="yellow">SITE UPDATES<img src="http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Pic/hot icon.gif"></img></font></div></div>
<div align="center" style="background-color: #1F0457; border: 1px dotted white"><br><img src="http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Wapmasta/Icon/g.png" alt="" /><b style=color:lime;>Bookmark This Site With GURUWAP MOBILE APPLICATION For Easier Access, Download For Your Device Now</b><br/><a href="http://YOUR-JAR-URL"><b style=color:white;>Jar</b></a><b style=color:lime;> • </b><a href="http://YOUR-URL"><b style=color:white;>Apk</b></a><b style=color:lime;> • </b><a href="http://YOUR-BMK-URL"><b style=color:white;>Bmk</b></a><b style=color:lime;> • </b><a href="http://YOUR-URL><b style=color:white;>Opera</b></a><br></div><br/>
<div align="center" style="background-color: #1F0457; border: 1px dotted white"><br><img src="http://guruwap.waphall.com/png/fnd2.png" alt="»" /><b style=color:lime;>Click </b><a href="http://YOUR-URL"><b style=color:white;>HERE</b></a><b style=color:lime;> To Search and Download Applications, Games, Themes, Wallpapers, Cliparts, Animations, Videos, Php Scripts, Zip files, Handlers, Prov files, etc. for Java, Symbian, Android, Computer, Windows phone and China mobile.</b><img src="http://weezywap.xtgem.com/images/new.gif" alt="»" /><br></div>
<div align="center" style="background-color: #1F0457; border: 1px dotted white"><br><img src="http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Pic/android_app.png" width="16" height="16" alt="»" /><b style=color:lime;>Android Files Added, Click On</b><a href="http://YOUR-APPLICATION-URL"><b style=color:white;> Applications</b></a><b style=color:lime;>,</b><a href="http://YOUR-GAME-URL"><b style=color:white;> Games</b></a><b style=color:lime;>,</b><a href="http://YOUR-THEME-URL"><b style=color:white;> Themes</b></a><b style=color:lime;> And</b><a href="http://YOUR-WALLPAPER-URL"><b style=color:white;> Live Wallpapers</b></a><b style=color:lime;> To Start Downloading</b><img src="http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Wapmasta/Icon/update.gif"/><br></div>
<br />
Copy code Duplicate to form new ones!
Subskid Please can u create one for me with weezyboywap cuz i tried but i couldnt download so help. Also please give me code for that welcome to and also that joining my forum
Weezylord To create a forum is easy...just login in to ur wapsite and click on filebrowser,then create a file name
forum and follow the tutorials i gave you before
copy below for
"welcome to"you can change it to any size of urs!
if u find creating forum difficult, send me ur login details via mah inbox leme help u!
Subskid The welcome is not working, please create a logo for me,code to reduce my border nd code for that click here to join my forum stuff
Weezylord Try using dis
<center><div style="background-color:brown;"><font face="comic sans" size="50" color="red">WELCOME TO</font></div><center>
Copy code is it my homepage logo type dat u nid?...drop ur page url where the border is located leme take a look
for forum, copy below!
<div align="center" style="background-color: #1F0457; border: 1px dotted white"><br><img src="http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Wapmasta/Icon/board-read.png" alt="»" /><a href="http://weezyboywap.xtgem.com/UR-FORUM-URL"><b style=color:lime;>Click To Join The WEEZYBOYWAP Forum; Get All css, wml, html, html5, xhtml Codes and Scripts; Also Coding Help for Wapka, Xtgem, Php, Wordpress and Blog; Mobile Tips and General Tutorials are Also Provided...</b></a><img src="http://weezywap.xtgem.com/Pic/hot icon.gif" alt="" /><br></div>
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Copy code next time, try asking it 1 after d oda!
Subskid Help me create a logo like ur own
Weezylord Copy ur logo at link i posted b4
Subskid The link is not working because it is not clickable, please how can i get that +thank you for visiting guruwap forum+ stuff?